We have a plethora of complimentary affirmation eBooks that complement and accompany all of the downloads. The videos are for your convenience to pick your affirmation for the day/evening. Enjoy!
You can use these as a screensaver, on or in your social media postings, as a slide show or print them and put them everywhere!
[Cute Hearts] Connecting with your Pet(s) Affirmation Images Video: This is a great way to pick your affirmation for the night. Happy Chatting!
This 28 page eBook walks you through how to best use your all of your positive affirmations and your diary pages. Happy Thinking!
This is a video of our 28 page eBook that walks you through how to best use your all of your positive affirmations and your diary pages. Happy Watching! (This is a long video with animal sounds in the background.)
This complimentary audio session accompanies [reinforces and helps you with] your affirmation and diary entries and exercises. Only download and listen to this if you're using the affirmation diary sets. Enjoy!
This complimentary video session accompanies [reinforces and helps you with] your affirmation and diary entries and exercises. Only download and listen to this if you're using the affirmation diary sets. Enjoy!
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